Dernier numéro de la revue: Gender, Work, & Organization
Volume 22, Issue 5, September 2015
Special Issue: Gendered Ageing in the New Economy
Edited by: Kathleen Riach, Wendy Loretto, Clary Krekula
Gendered Ageing in the New Economy: Introduction to Special Issue (pages 437–444) Kathleen Riach, Wendy Loretto and Clary Krekula
Gendering Pensions: Making Women Visible (pages 445–458) Jo Grady
Work, Age and Other Drugs: Exploring the Intersection of Age and Masculinity in a Pharmaceutical Organization (pages 459–473) Barbara Foweraker and Leanne Cutcher
‘Success Is Satisfaction with What You Have’? Biographical Work–Life Balance of Older Female Employees in Public Administration (pages 474–494) Elisabeth Schilling
Technical Change and the Un/Troubling of Gendered Ageing in Healthcare Work (pages 495–509) Susan Halford, Natalia Kukarenko, Ann Therese Lotherington and Aud Obstfelder
Taking Stock: A Visual Analysis of Gendered Ageing (pages 510–528) Katrina Pritchard and Rebecca Whiting
Ageing, Corporeality and Embodiment, by Chris Gilleard and Paul Higgs. Anthem Press, 2014. 228 pp., hbk £60.00: Fashion and Age: Dress, the Body, and Later Life, by Julie Twigg. Bloomsbury, 2013. 184 pp., pbk £19.99 (pages 529–531) Sophie Hales
Older Workers in an Ageing Society: Critical Topics in Research and Policy, edited by Philip Taylor. Edward Elgar Publishers, 2013. 276 pp., hbk £83.00 (pages 532–533) Satu Heikkinen and Magnus Nilsson