Volume 27, Issue 3, November 2015
Edited by: Raffaella Sarti
Men at Home: Domesticities, Authority, Emotions and Work (Thirteenth–Twentieth Centuries) (pages 521–558)
Raffaella Sarti
Part I – Which Domesticities?
Home and Away: The Flight from Domesticity in Late-Nineteenth-Century England Re-visited (pages 561–575)
John Tosh
Illicit Intimacies: The Imagined ‘Homes’ of Gilbert Innes of Stow and his Mistresses (1751–1832) (pages 576–590)
Katie Barclay
Native American Men – and Women – at Home in Plural Marriages in Seventeenth-Century New France (pages 591–610)
Sarah M. S. Pearsall
Lock Up Your Daughters! Male Activists, ‘Patriotic Domesticity’ and the Fight Against Sex Trafficking in England, 1880–1912 (pages 611–627)
Rachael Attwood
Domesticity as Socio-Cultural Construction: Domestic Slavery, Home and the Quintal in Cabo Delgado (Mozambique) (pages 628–648)
Francesca Declich
Part II – Male Authority, Love and Conflicts
Meanings of Fatherhood in Late-Medieval Montpellier: Love, Care and the Exercise of Patria Potestas (pages 651–668)
Lucie Laumonier
Generations of Men and Masculinity in Two Late-Medieval Biographies of Saints (pages 669–683)
Marita von Weissenberg
The Moretti Family: Late Marriage, Bachelorhood and Domestic Authority in Seventeenth-Century Venice (pages 684–702)
Lisa Dallavalle
Fathers at Home: Life Writing and Late-Victorian and Edwardian Plebeian Domestic Masculinities (pages 703–717)
Julie-Marie Strange
Part III – Material Culture, Household Economy and Work
A Passion for Porcelain, Silverware and Furniture in Male Aristocratic Homes (in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Central Italy) (pages 721–735)
Benedetta Borello
The Early Modern German Professor at Home – Masculinity, Bachelorhood and Family Concepts (Sixteenth–Eighteenth Centuries) (pages 736–751)
Elizabeth Harding
Husbands, Masculinity, Male Work and Household Economy in Eighteenth-Century Italy: The Case of Turin (pages 752–772)
Beatrice Zucca Micheletto
Informal Economies and Masculine Hierarchies in Slave Communities of the US South, 1800–65 (pages 773–787)
David Doddington
Part IV – Men at Home between Tradition and Innovation
The Bureaucrat, the Mulla and the Maverick Intellectual ‘at Home’: Domestic Narratives of Patriarchy, Masculinity and Modernity in Iran, 1880–1980 (pages 791–811)
Joanna de Groot
Masculine Ways of Being at Home: Hobbies, Do-It-Yourself and Home Improvement in Argentina (1940–70) (pages 812–827)
Inés Pérez
Fathers in 1960s Switzerland: A Silent Revolution? (pages 828–843)
Caroline Rusterholz
Is the Personal Political for Men too? Encounter and Conflict between ‘New Left’ Men and Feminist Movements in 1970s Italy (pages 844–864)
Paola Stelliferi
“The Ultimate Extension of Gay Community”: Communal Living and Gay Liberation in the 1970s (pages 865–881)
Stephen Vider
Assistant Professor of History at the University of Notre Dame. Je suis maître de conférences en histoire à l'University of Notre Dame. Mes recherches portent sur des marchandes parisiennes qui s’appellent les Dames des Halles pendant la Révolution française. En les utilisant comme un prisme, je demande comment les révolutionnaires ont négocié la double croissance des aspirations démocratiques et le capitalisme à travers leur métier quotidien. J’examine la façon dont les Dames ont inventé une notion de citoyenneté naissante qui a eu le travail, plutôt que le sexe, comme la base. En même temps, j'analyse comment les révolutionnaires ont débattu le rôle politique des classes populaires par les marchandes en détail. La nation française - et une grande partie de l'Europe – s’accapareraient dans ces problèmes pour des décennies.
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