Dernier numéro de la revue: Gender, Work, & Organization
Volume 23, Issue 1, January 2016
Special Issue: Sexual Politics, Organizational Practices: Interrogating Queer Theory, Work and Organization
Edited by: Alison Pullen, Torkild Thanem, Melissa Tyler, Louise Wallenberg
Sexual Politics, Organizational Practices: Interrogating Queer Theory, Work and Organization (pages 1–6)
Alison Pullen, Torkild Thanem, Melissa Tyler and Louise Wallenberg
Queer Categories: Queer(y)ing the Identification ‘Older Lesbian, Gay and/or Bisexual (LGB) Adults’ and its Implications for Organizational Research, Policy and Practice (pages 7–18)
Andrew King
Occupational Segregation Research: Queering the Conversation (pages 19–35)
James McDonald
Towards Queering the Business School: A Research Agenda for Advancing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Perspectives and Issues (pages 36–51)
Nick Rumens
Situated Transgressiveness: Exploring One Transwoman’s Lived Experiences across Three Situated Contexts (pages 52–70)
Sara Louise Muhr, Katie Rose Sullivan and Craig Rich
Queering Queer (pages 71–73)
Martin Parker
Review Essay New Directions in Queer Theory: Recent Theorizing in the Work of Lynne Huffer, Leo Bersani & Adam Phillips, and Lauren Berlant & Lee Edelman (pages 74–83)
Nancy Harding
Postscript: Queer Endings/Queer Beginnings (pages 84–87)
Alison Pullen, Torkild Thanem, Melissa Tyler and Louise Wallenberg
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