Dernier numéro de la revue: Gender & Society
February 2015; 29 (1)
Orit Avishai, Afshan Jafar, and Rachel Rinaldo
A Gender Lens on Religion
Lynne Gerber
Grit, Guts, and Vanilla Beans: Godly Masculinity in the Ex-Gay Movement
Pamela J. Prickett
Negotiating Gendered Religious Space: The Particularities of Patriarchy in an African American Mosque
Tanya Zion-Waldoks
Politics of Devoted Resistance: Agency, Feminism, and Religion among Orthodox Agunah Activists in Israel
Ayesha Khurshid
Islamic Traditions of Modernity: Gender, Class, and Islam in a Transnational Women’s Education Project
Kristin Aune
Feminist Spirituality as Lived Religion: How UK Feminists Forge Religio-spiritual Lives
Book Reviews
Dina Pinsky
Book Review: The Moral Panics of Sexuality edited by Breanne Fahs, Mary L. Dudy, and Sarah Stage
Özlem Altiok
Book Review: Gendered Identities: Criticizing Patriarchy in Turkey edited by Rasim Özgür Dönmez and Fazilet Ahu Özmen
Mimi Schippers
Book Review: The Polyamorists Next Door: Inside Multiple-Partner Relationships and Families by Elisabeth Sheff
David J. Maume
Book Review: Unfinished Business: Paid Family Leave in California and the Future of U.S. Work-Family Policy by Ruth Milkman and Eileen Appelbaum
Lynn Davidman
Book Review: God’s Gangs: Barrio Ministry, Masculinity, and Gang Recovery by Edward Orozco Flores
Pallavi Banerjee
Book Review: Pregnant on Arrival: Making the Illegal Immigrant by Eithne Luibhéid
Amy L. Best
Book Review: Consuming Work: Youth Labor in America by Yasemin Besen-Cassino
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Katie Jarvis (5 mars 2015). Dernier numéro de la revue: Gender & Society. Genre et Classes Populaires. Consulté le 19 janvier 2025 à l’adresse