Dernier numéro de la revue: Gender, Work & Organization
July 2014; 21 (4)
Le Sommaire:
The Scrutinized Priest: Women in the Church of England Negotiating Professional and Sacred Clothing Regimes
Sarah-Jane Page
Female Part-Time Managers: Careers, Mentors and Role Models
Susan Durbin and Jennifer Tomlinson
Imagining Gender Research: Violence, Masculinity, and the Shop Floor
Rafael Alcadipani and Maria Jose Tonelli
Access to Networks in Genderized Contexts: The Construction of Hierarchical Networks and Inequalities in Feminized, Caring and Masculinized, Technical Occupations
Tina Forsberg Kankkunen
Upsetting ‘Others’ in the Netherlands: Narratives of Muslim Turkish Migrant Businesswomen at the Crossroads of Ethnicity, Gender and Religion
Caroline Essers and Deirdre Tedmanson
Doing Gender, Practising Politics: Workplace Cultures in Local and Devolved Government
Nickie Charles
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