« Women, Gender, and Prison: National and Global Perspectives »
Signs, Vol. 39, No. 1, Autumn 2013
Les articles:
Women in Prison: Victims or Resisters? Representations of Agency in Women’s Prisons in Greece(pp. 1-26)
Andriani Fili
A Cell of Their Own: The Incarceration of Women in Late Medieval Italy(pp. 27-51)
Guy Geltner
“Like I Was a Man”: Chain Gangs, Gender, and the Domestic Carceral Sphere in Jim Crow Georgia(pp. 53-77)
Sarah Haley
Jody Miller and Kristin Carbone-Lopez
Motherhood as Punishment: The Case of Parenting in Prison(pp. 105-130)
Lynne Haney
Emotions behind Bars: The Regulation of Mothering in Argentine Jails(pp. 131-149)
Constanza Tabbush and María Florencia Gentile
Enforcing Gender: The Constitution of Sex and Gender in Prison Regimes(pp. 151-175)
Sarah Pemberton
Gendering Transnational Criminality: The Case of Women’s Imprisonment in Peru(pp. 177-195)
Camille Boutron and Chloé Constant
Sexual Necropolitics and Prison Rape Elimination(pp. 197-220)
Jessi Lee Jackson
“Staff Here Let You Get Down”: The Cultivation and Co-optation of Violence in a California Juvenile Detention Center(pp. 221-241)
Jerry Flores
Women and the Criminalization of Poverty: Perspectives from Sierra Leone(pp. 243-264)
Sabrina Mahtani
Institutional Disparities: Considerations of Gender in the Commutation Process for Incarcerated Women(pp. 265-289)
Carol Jacobsen and Lora Bex Lempert
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Katie Jarvis (5 novembre 2013). Le genre in situ: La prison. Genre et Classes Populaires. Consulté le 19 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/oxm8