Sortie du dernier numéro du Gender & Society:
Jocelyn A. Hollander
“I Demand More of People”: Accountability, Interaction, and Gender Change
Rachel E. Dwyer, Randy Hodson, and Laura McCloud
Gender, Debt, and Dropping Out of College
Vicki Schull, Sally Shaw, and Lisa A. Kihl
“If A Woman Came In … She Would Have Been Eaten Up Alive”: Analyzing Gendered Political Processes in the Search for an Athletic Director
Thomas J. Linneman
Gender in Jeopardy!: Intonation Variation on a Television Game Show
Book Review Symposium:
Denise Copelton and Joan Spade
Conversations: A Symposium on Stephanie Coontz’s A Strange Stirring
Katja M. Guenther
Rethinking a Feminist Classic: Reflections on Coontz’s A Strange Stirring
Benita Roth
Real Housewives with Real Problems?
Nancy Whittier
Everyday Readers and Social Movements: Considering the Impact of The Feminine Mystique
Stephanie Coontz
A Response to Reviewers
Book Reviews:
Tristan S. Bridges
Book Review: Nurturing Dads: Social Initiatives for Contemporary Fatherhood
Michael W. Yarbrough
Book Review: Unhitched: Love, Marriage, and Family Values from West Hollywood to Western China
Sarah Jane Brubaker
Book Review: Poverty, Battered Women, and Work in U.S. Policy
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Katie Jarvis (3 mars 2013). Dernier numéro de la revue Gender & Society: Genre et Classes Populaires. Consulté le 18 janvier 2025 à l’adresse